Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 50 Dear Reader, When my boys learned they actually had a FULL day of school yesterday (instead of a snow day or 2-hour delay), this was their response: Meanwhile, my mom friends and I were: Slow clap from the moms (and dads)! On the Podcast One of the benefits of the kids being back in school is that they aren't leaving their stuff (what my organizer friend Lisa Lizotte lovingly calls "droppings") all over the house. This week's podcast...
21 days ago • 1 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 48 Dear Reader, One minute, your kids are enjoying the new-fallen snow on a sled. The next minute, this. Andrew's broken arm - yikes! Between Andrew's broken arm and 4 snow days in a row, I've never been more grateful that my house is decluttered and the basic systems I swear by (laundry, dishes, etc.) stayed in place. If you want to kick your clutter to the curb in 2025 - despite what else comes your way - I'm here to help! Let's work...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 47 Dear Reader, Happy New Year! 🎉 So grateful to hang out with you every Friday in your inbox, and looking forward to providing you with tons of decluttering and simplifying tips in 2025! On New Year's Eve I was able to stay up for part of the Penn State/Boise State game (Let's go State!) and then I crashed. My husband and two boys managed to stay up for the ball drop at midnight. It was the first time the boys stayed up past like 9:00 PM....
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 44 Dear Reader, When it comes to meal planning, I like to think about a game of limbo. I could travel down a Pinterest rabbit hole for hours to find the "perfect" meals for my family, spend hours planning, shopping, and prepping...OR I can see "how low can we go" when it comes to much I can simplify our meals while still providing nourishment for the people I love. Lowering the bar doesn't mean we're giving up - it means that we're putting...
2 months ago • 2 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 41 Dear Reader, We are almost done with November, and it's been hard not to feel like I'm snowballing to the end of 2024 surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Can you relate? The end of 2024 feels like... The remedy? Remember the NO in November! That means that instead of looking at what everyone else is doing on social media and feeling like I'm not doing enough, I follow my friend Stephanie O'Dea's advice and Simply Look...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 34 Dear Reader, On the heels of my 44th birthday, I am thankful for my health, family, friends, and large hats. 👒 To celebrate, I'm having another review giveaway from now until September 30! Only 5 people have entered so far for a chance to win 2 $50 Amazon gift cards! On the podcast... Have you ever heard of The Four Tendencies personality framework from Gretchen Rubin? Each tendency differs in their response to internal and external...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 30 Dear Reader, We're used to writing mile-long to-do lists, but have you ever written a "yes" list? A "yes" list is a list of everything you have said "yes" to. Those could range from commitments and obligations to simple things like....keeping small humans alive. 🤣 In yesterday's episode, I speak to my friend Jessica Jackson from the Thriving in Motherhood Podcast about how to write out your "yes" list and evaluate it so you can truly...
6 months ago • 1 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 23 Dear Reader, I have always struggled with procrastination. I distinctly remember researching and writing two 10-page college papers due the next day by pulling an all-nighter. (I think I ended up getting an A- on one and a B+ on another, which I'm proud of in a strange way 😂). Even now as a mom and business owner, I find it hard to focus and do what I would rather put off - like decluttering, meal planning, editing podcast episodes, and...
8 months ago • 3 min read
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 21 Dear Reader, My kids are out of school starting next Wednesday, and I'm a bit nervous about having them home the entire summer... Luckily, I have my summer decluttering plan locked and loaded! S is for...Schedule a donation pickup/drop off or a weekly day in your calendar to post items on Buy Nothing. This keep you accountable and in a continuous rhythm of decluttering. Or join the free Facebook group where we do decluttering challenges...
8 months ago • 2 min read