The Power of a "Yes" List πŸ”₯

Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 30

Dear Reader,

We're used to writing mile-long to-do lists, but have you ever written a "yes" list?

A "yes" list is a list of everything you have said "yes" to. Those could range from commitments and obligations to simple things like....keeping small humans alive. 🀣

In yesterday's episode, I speak to my friend Jessica Jackson from the Thriving in Motherhood Podcast about how to write out your "yes" list and evaluate it so you can truly understand what matters right now - and pause or eliminate the rest.



(P.S. when your normal podcast recording space is unavailable, you use your son's bedroom with the fun artwork!)

If you want some more amazing tips to help you manage your home, I've got you!

In Episode 147 I shared 5 home management hacks that help keep my home tidy. The one I'm loving right now - running the dishwasher every night!

If you need help creating systems in your home to keep it tidy, snag a decluttering coaching session with me! OR come into the Facebook group where we start a new decluttering challenge on Monday! Hope to see you there!

On the journey with you,


P.S. Skipped to the end? No problem! This week I shared 5 home management hacks that keep my home tidy and spoke to Jessica Jackson about the power of a "yes" list. ​

Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.

Read more from Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

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