
Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

Find Time To Declutter in 4 Steps ⏰

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 9

Dear Reader,

“Instead of saying 'I don't have the time, try saying 'it’s not a priority,' and see how that feels." - Laura Vanderkam

I have used the "I don't have the time" reason/excuse for many things in my life.

I don't have the time to work out.

I don't have the time to go to sleep at a decent hour because there's too much to do.

I don't have the time to declutter.

But when we say that the outcome of things we don't have time for aren't a priority - primarily our health and well-being - that's a harder pill to swallow.

If you find yourself saying you don't have the time to declutter, answer these four questions!

1. What are the schedule roadblocks that are prohibiting me from prioritizing this?

All of us have "big rocks" in our days - like work, family appointments and commitments, and other things that we want to do on a daily basis. Use a paper planner or print out a blank weekly calendar to fill in these non-negotiables into your weekly schedule.

Once everything is filled in, ask yourself - are my family and I overscheduled? Have I left any margin to plan or am I constantly in reaction mode?

2. What are the mental roadblocks that are prohibiting me from prioritizing decluttering?

Brainstorm your reasons/excuses why you can't declutter - once you write them down, we can replace them with truth statements.

Example reason: I don’t know where to start.

Truth statement: I can start in the most unsentimental unemotional areas (NOTE: listen to Episode 5 to get more guidance on this).

Once you have your truth statements handy, you can refer to them when a reason/excuse comes up.

3. How much time and energy am I realistically able to devote to this and still be within my capacity?

Perhaps you can only devote 5 minutes at a time, or maybe even 20-30 minutes. Create a realistic goal, as well as a "stretch" goal for when you have more time than you expected.

4. Given my schedule and energy constraints, where can I consistently find time to declutter in my week?

Start small! Can you commit to decluttering once a week? Then move to 3 times a week?

Join a challenge in the free Facebook group so you can get the accountability you need.

Or if you'd like a customized decluttering plan that fits your unique circumstances AND accountability to implement your plan, book me for a 1 hour virtual coaching call (or in-person if you live in the greater Washington DC metro area!)

You CAN find the time to declutter, and I can't wait to support you!

On this journey with you,


P.S. Scrolled to the end? No problem. This week on the podcast I shared the 4 questions to ask yourself to find time to declutter, and my friend Emily Conley (The Minimal-ish Mama) shared her tips about the simple, stress-free way to edit your wardrobe.

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Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

Emily McDermott

I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.

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