Join the REST Revolution w/Courtney Carver

Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 54

Dear Reader,

Most of us grew up with this mantra about rest planted firmly in our heads:
β€‹πŸ’€ I'll rest when I'm dead. πŸ’€

Or perhaps you see rest as a reward when EVERYTHING is done...except here's the thing - it's never all done. πŸ˜‚
Seeing rest as a right, rather than a reward, is REVOLUTIONARY. (And getting the letter "r" in a sentence that many times is really remarkable 😜).
But how do we prioritize rest in a hustle-driven culture?

On the Podcast

This week on the podcast I had the pleasure of speaking to Courtney Carver from Be More with Less about her new book Gentle: Rest More, Stress Less, and Live the Life You Actually Want.

Specifically, we dive into:
🌸 How Courtney had to "change the way she changed" after her MS diagnosis in 2006, and what she did to support her physical and emotional health
🌸 Why she put REST first in the book (before Less and Rise) and how she puts rest first in her own life
🌸 What Spoon Theory can teach us about how we approach rest and productivity
🌸 The permission slip you didn't know you needed!
​Listen to Episode 181 here or watch via my YouTube channel!

video preview​

Things I'm Loving Right Now

✨ One of my favorite tools to stay organized is my scanner! I love ScanSnap and try to scan important documents at least once a week. I also use the Notes app on my iPhone which can easily scan documents as well!

✨ My decluttering/organizing resource of the week is the The Modern Mom’s Simple Home Reimagined Summit coming up on March 1st and hosted by Mia Danielle. It's a free 3-day event that will help you master simple systems, streamline your routines, and enjoy a calm space that aligns with your roles and needs. Register here!

✨ My favorite meal of the week (although my kids were less impressed this time around πŸ™ƒ) is this super simple slow cooker chicken curry. Bold but not spicy!

What are some things you're loving right now? Hit reply and let me know.

On the journey with you,


P.S. Skipped to the end? No problem! I had the pleasure of speaking to Courtney Carver about how to rest more, stress less, and embrace the gentler you.

*Note: affiliate links may be included, which means I get a small commission if you use my link - thanks!

Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.

Read more from Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

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