How Lowering the Bar Can Elevate Your Life

Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 44

Dear Reader,

When it comes to meal planning, I like to think about a game of limbo.

I could travel down a Pinterest rabbit hole for hours to find the "perfect" meals for my family, spend hours planning, shopping, and prepping...

I can see "how low can we go" when it comes to much I can simplify our meals while still providing nourishment for the people I love.

Lowering the bar doesn't mean we're giving up - it means that we're putting our energy and focus into what matters most AND being OK with not being good at everything.

In yesterday's podcast episode, I chatted with Shira Gill about how we can be intentional about all areas of our life, which allows us to elevate what matters and lower the bar on what doesn't.

video preview​

Here are some other areas where I "lower the bar":

Cleaning: Don't tell my mom, but I'm not much of a deep cleaner. 🧹 I realized that my family is fine with maintenance cleaning and I can get away with not cleaning the baseboards very often. (I won't reveal the last time I cleaned them LOL).

Laundry: My daily laundry routine is a non-negotiable habit to maintain my sanity. I separate out my delicates but otherwise I throw everything in there together. Don't call the laundry police on me! 😱

Yard Work: We live in a townhouse and years ago decided to replace the grass in our "postage stamp" front lawn with mulch and some shrubs. I have the opposite of a green thumb so I'm thankful for the low-maintenance lawn!

What are areas where you're happy to lower the bar? I'd love to hear from you!

Things I'm Loving Right Now

✨ The Nervous System Reset Guide from Michelle Grosser at The Calm Mom. This free 20-page guide helps you identify the signs of nervous system dysregulation, understand the connection between your body and burnout, and learn simple, actionable practices you can start today to feel more calm, grounded, and in control.

✨ Finding a few fun holiday activities to do with the family rather than feeling like we have to do all.the.things. This Saturday we're going to see the Air Force Band perform at their free Season of Hope holiday concert. If you're in the DC metro area, here's the information if you'd like to attend!

✨ Our family's favorite meals of the week include slow cooker chicken curry and keto taco soup.

What are some things you're loving right now? Hit reply and let me know.

On the journey with you,


P.S. Skipped to the end? No problem! This week I spoke to Shira Gill about living more intentionally by lowering the bar, decluttering and elevating, and redefining "enough".

*Note: affiliate links may be included, which means I get a small commission if you use my link - thanks!

Moms Overcoming Overwhelm + Simple by Emmy

I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.

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