Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 50Dear Reader, When my boys learned they actually had a FULL day of school yesterday (instead of a snow day or 2-hour delay), this was their response: Meanwhile, my mom friends and I were: On the PodcastOne of the benefits of the kids being back in school is that they aren't leaving their stuff (what my organizer friend Lisa Lizotte lovingly calls "droppings") all over the house. This week's podcast episode was inspired by someone in the Facebook group: “I’m fighting so hard for a peaceful home that is clear of clutter. My mind can’t handle the mess. It doesn’t seem to matter how much I take out and how constantly I do tidy ups…The mess keeps exploding and I feel like I’m doing nothing but tidying up from sunrise to sunset.” Can you relate? In Episode 176, I share my 3 steps to get you off the tidy up hamster wheel - for good! Things I'm Loving Right Now✨ Now that my kids are FINALLY going back to school, I have been focusing on keeping my work tasks organized so I can work more efficiently. One of my favorite tools to stay organized is Meistertask. I love how I can duplicate cards with specific workflows that I repeat often! ✨ My organizing resource of the week is the book Organizing for the Rest of Us by Dana K. White. SUCH helpful guidance, especially if you're not "naturally" organized! ✨ My favorite meal of the week is this sausage zucchini soup! What are some things you're loving right now? Hit reply and let me know. On the journey with you, Emily P.S. Skipped to the end? No problem! This week I shared the 3 steps you need to follow if you want to STOP tidying up all the time. *Note: affiliate links may be included, which means I get a small commission if you use my link - thanks! |
I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 52 Dear Reader, When my kids want to hold onto EVERYTHING that comes through the front door, I have to remember that it's normal to be attached to stuff. In fact, there are several cognitive biases that cause adults to hold on, so why should we expect our kids (whose brains don't fully develop until their mid-20's) to let go of their stuff willingly? On the Podcast This week on the podcast, I shared some helpful tips about how to help your...
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 48 Dear Reader, One minute, your kids are enjoying the new-fallen snow on a sled. The next minute, this. Andrew's broken arm - yikes! Between Andrew's broken arm and 4 snow days in a row, I've never been more grateful that my house is decluttered and the basic systems I swear by (laundry, dishes, etc.) stayed in place. If you want to kick your clutter to the curb in 2025 - despite what else comes your way - I'm here to help! Let's work...
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 47 Dear Reader, Happy New Year! 🎉 So grateful to hang out with you every Friday in your inbox, and looking forward to providing you with tons of decluttering and simplifying tips in 2025! On New Year's Eve I was able to stay up for part of the Penn State/Boise State game (Let's go State!) and then I crashed. My husband and two boys managed to stay up for the ball drop at midnight. It was the first time the boys stayed up past like 9:00 PM....