Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 41Dear Reader, We are almost done with November, and it's been hard not to feel like I'm snowballing to the end of 2024 surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Can you relate? The remedy? Remember the NO in November! That means that instead of looking at what everyone else is doing on social media and feeling like I'm not doing enough, I follow my friend Stephanie O'Dea's advice and Simply Look Only Within (SLOW). In Episode 168, Stephanie and I talk about her new book Slow Living: Cultivate a Life of Purpose in a Hustle-Driven World and how she has found contentment by looking within, planning ahead to be slow, and accepting what we can't change so we can focus on what is within our control. Things I'm Loving Right Now✨ Thinking about experience gifts for the holidays. Head's up...Color Guru is having a sale that includes 10% off ALL their packages. Stacked with my code OVERWHELM it makes it 20% off! AND you get one year's free access to Your Color Closet which will revolutionize how you get dressed - starting November 26 - December 3). If you want to get your colors analyzed and simplify shopping forever, check out Color Guru! ✨ Simplify Magazine is a great clutter-free gift - only $20 for a lifetime membership. ✨ Sugar-free hot chocolate. I take almond milk, a bit of monkfruit sweetener, and this cocoa powder from Penzey's Spices. Yum! What are some things you're loving right now? Hit reply and let me know. On the journey with you, Emily P.S. Skipped to the end? No problem! This week I chatted with Stephanie O'Dea about slow living and cultivating contentment. *Note: affiliate links may be included, which means I get a small commission if you use my link - thanks! |
I help overwhelmed moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts. Decluttering coach and the host of top 1% globally ranked podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 54 Dear Reader, Most of us grew up with this mantra about rest planted firmly in our heads:💀 I'll rest when I'm dead. 💀 Or perhaps you see rest as a reward when EVERYTHING is done...except here's the thing - it's never all done. 😂Seeing rest as a right, rather than a reward, is REVOLUTIONARY. (And getting the letter "r" in a sentence that many times is really remarkable 😜). But how do we prioritize rest in a hustle-driven culture? On the...
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 52 Dear Reader, When my kids want to hold onto EVERYTHING that comes through the front door, I have to remember that it's normal to be attached to stuff. In fact, there are several cognitive biases that cause adults to hold on, so why should we expect our kids (whose brains don't fully develop until their mid-20's) to let go of their stuff willingly? On the Podcast This week on the podcast, I shared some helpful tips about how to help your...
Decluttering Tips and Support Weekly Newsletter Vol. 50 Dear Reader, When my boys learned they actually had a FULL day of school yesterday (instead of a snow day or 2-hour delay), this was their response: Meanwhile, my mom friends and I were: Slow clap from the moms (and dads)! On the Podcast One of the benefits of the kids being back in school is that they aren't leaving their stuff (what my organizer friend Lisa Lizotte lovingly calls "droppings") all over the house. This week's podcast...